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Fiestas de la "Dia de Los Tres Reyes" (Three Kings Day) (2015)
Village of San Andrés of Chepo (heading to the Darién region from Panamá City)

Phoenix Group second day of our 3 Kings Day parties was held in a church in the village of San Andrés of Chepo (heading to the Darién region from Panamá City). Our K-9 Supervisor (wearing the black boony hat in the first photo) and K-9 Section organized this event and brought a couple canines (the most passive) for the kids. You may recognize the little girl on the far left in the top picture. She is the one with the skin problem and is now using the medicine purchased with donations. This was her first party. As with the other parties, we had the popcorn and cotton candy machines, face painting and games, lunches and a Xmas gift for each, and a clown / our "Kings". We also brought an inflatable bouncing room - which was the BIG hit with the kids. All had a great time.